You'll be able to claim these chests

  • Lost Ark is getting two additional weekends of the weekend-only Lost Ark Gold Fever Time event to close the month of the month of July. The event will let you get rewards for once on Saturday and again on Sunday. This event is a part of the newly added progress bonuses that came into effect following June's Spells in Spades update.

    Progression bonuses added in the July update remain running , and also include one of them, the Punika Powerpass, by which you can upgrade any character in a matter of minutes up to item level 1302 using a single usage of this pass. Additionally, there are Hyper Express events, so any character who is 1302plus (including those with insta-levels on your roster) gets access to several challenges for progression which will help them progress up to level 1370 for their item. It also allows players to join Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which will reward players who win with things like the ability to improve their supplies.

    Then, you'll be able to claim these chests when you remember to connect on Saturday and Sunday between 3 AM PT and 2:59 AM PT on Saturday , and once during the same hours on Sunday to make your claims.

    In addition to the thrilling combat action and its customizable fighting style, another feature that is what makes Lost Ark one of the most popular MMORPGs are its buy Lost Ark Gold Emotes system. Emotes let gamer to speak their thoughts whether they're celebrating a win or showing signs of tension when they are being snatched. Either way, the emotes bring the world of Arkesia in to the forefront. Before going further try reading Lost Ark Destroyer Build.